
Backup and Restore

Data Recover / Disaster Recovery

Lost files to virus attacks, user errors, software errors, hardware failures or some other natural disaster do happen, and Santa Cruz Digital Solutions can come to your rescue. We’ve been retrieving computer data for years, and there is little that we cannot retrieve.

Most lost or corrupted data is retrievable, and if you’ve been told it’s not, give us a call. If you are a business, we can set up a free, onsite consultation to evaluate your IT environment and make recommendations that will prevent you from ever having data loss again.

Ask us about cloud backup solutions. We can back your data up in the cloud so viruses, errors, corruption and natural disasters don’t affect your files ever again. Is your data safe?

With electronics, computers or with any technology there’s always a chance that something will stop working or, in another case, become stolen. When that happens, the data and files that your company so meticulously kept together would vanish. Important information needed would be gone as well as customer details that are needed.

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